Prof. Dr. Ingo Althöfer

Zur Geschichte des Freistil-Schachs
On the History of Freestyle Chess

Der Name "Freistil-Schach" wurde von Timo Klaustermeyer und Ingo Althöfer im Sommer 2004 eingeführt.

The name "Freestyle Chess" was introduced by Timo Klaustermeyer and Ingo Althöfer back in Summer 2004.

Vier Stationen in einer Collage:
Four Steps in a Collage:

2000: GM Rainer Knaak und Ingo Althöfer bei Vorgänger-Experiment in Jena

2004: Bahnhof Altenbeken - Geburtsort von Freistil-Schach alias Freestyle Chess

2008: Frank Schneider (Autor von Fritz 19), Dr. Chrilly Donninger, GM Karsten Müller bei einem Computer-Schach-Workshop in Jena

2015: Prof. Dr. Manja Marz "und Team" beim Freistil-Go in Jena

Fotos in der Collage: C. Donninger (2000), I. Althöfer (2004, 2008, 2015)

Collatz Prizes

In the last few months I have been working intensely on the Collatz problem, 3n+1 and so on. It is really a hard piece of rock. Therefore, I offer a few prizes on the problem and some variants.
Click here: Collatz-Prizes

Freistil-Schach - Freestyle Chess

Together with my friend Timo Klaustermeyer I invented the concept of Freestyle Chess and also coined the term "Freestyle Chess" back in Summer 2004:
The team captain is responsible for all actions. He/she may use any help by other humans, computers, books ...

In the meantime, the "Freestyle concept" has been applied to many other games and other scenarios in real-life optimization.
The picture is taken from a report in the Operations Research Magazine "OR News", Summer 2019.

Neues zum 3n+1-Problem

Im Laufe der letzten Jahre habe ich immer mal wieder am 3n+1-Problem von Lothar Collatz getüftelt. Einige meiner Überlegungen sind in einem Artikel - in deutscher Sprache - zusammengefasst. Dargestellt ist auch das Ergebnis von Terry Tao.
Zum pdf hier anklicken

3-Hirn-Verlag (Kleinverlag für Bücher und Kunst)

Dr. Ingo Althöfer
Friedrichstr. 30 A
D-32791 Lage, Germany

in Deutschland   (05232) 929 071
from outside   +49-5232-929-071

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Several of the following sites are bilingual in German / English or only in English.

Vortrag zu Los-Entscheidungen in Bibel und Christentum

John Horton Conway (1937-2020) is one of my big heros in Mathematics. On 11 April, 2020 (Easter Saturday) he died due to a Covid-19 infection. Back in 2015, I had written a review of Siobhan Roberts' fine book on Conway ("Genius at Play") for the ICGA Journal. You find the text (in English) in pdf here: Click

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