Jakob Erdmann

3-Hirn-Grants are meant for a doctorate in the field "Analysis and Programming of Combinatorial Games".

The first recipient of a 3-Hirn-Grant was Jakob Erdmann:
* born 1980 in Königs Wusterhausen (Brandenburg)
* Study of Computer Science at Jena University
* Diploma in spring 2007 "mit Auszeichnung"
* Dissertation successfully defended on July 09, 2010

Jakob Erdmann

The doctoral project of Jakob Erdmann, at the Chair of Prof. Dr. Ingo Althofer (FSU Jena, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science), was supported from October 2007 to October 2009 by the 3-Hirn-Grant. After that, support was supplemented by a short-term grant of the Graduate School of Jena University.

Submission of the dissertation with title "The Characterization of Chance and Skill in Games" happened in March 2010. A central part of the thesis was published in the ICGA Journal 32 (2009), p.187-205, under the title "Chanciness: Towards a Characterization of Chance in Games".

Dissertation of Jakob Erdmann for Download (pdf, 1.2 MByte)

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